There was a brief period in the summer when Americans could freely roam the cobbled streets of European islands, after months of being locked out. The current consequences of the U.S. being taken off the EU safe list for travel, however, has led to many countries bringing in new rules for U.S. travelers.

Ironically, as the U.S. promises to open its doors to Europeans in November after more than 500 days of a U.S. travel ban, the EU travel ban on American travelers is shaping up to be increasingly tricky for transatlantic holidaymakers in October 2021.

In total, of the 27 EU and 3 Schengen-area countries plus England on this list (31 in total), at present:

  • 4 countries are closed entirely to U.S. travelers (Bulgaria, Luxembourg, Norway and Sweden, although there are exemptions). This is 2 more than in September.
  • 12 countries are closed to unvaccinated U.S. travelers but open to vaccinated ones–Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Latvia, Malta, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain and Switzerland. This is many more countries than in September.
  • 11 countries–who are allowing unvaccinated American travelers to visit for non-essential reasons–have a quarantine in place (Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and England). There are further countries who have quarantine for U.S. arrivals traveling for essential reasons too, e.g. Denmark and Germany.
  • 27 countries are open to U.S. vaccinated travelers, a decrease of 2 from September.